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Alpha Wire

Alpha Wire designs and manufactures wire, cable, tubing, and accessories for a broad range of applications and markets to help customers solve critical production and manufacturing challenges. Combining the highest quality with legendary customer service, Alpha products mean peace of mind. Alpha Wire’s flagship line of Xtra-Guard® High-Performance cables offer superior performance in demanding environments, while the new EcoGen™ product line offers an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional PVC wire and cable. Alpha FIT® line of heat-shrink tubing and wire management offers reliable ways to seal and protect electrical and electronic wiring. With 12 product families encompassing more than 50,000 products available worldwide, Alpha is dedicated to providing the right product for every application.

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Alpha Wire


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Alpha Wire


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Alpha Wire


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Alpha Wire


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Alpha Wire

SPL001 OR032

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Alpha Wire

SPL001W BK032

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Alpha Wire

SPL003 OR032

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Alpha Wire

220LR13 NC032

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Alpha Wire

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Alpha Wire

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