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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems

Times Microwave Systems is a leader in coaxial transmission line technology and production. They provide a broad range of RF and microwave transmission line solutions for military, aerospace, wireless communications, and industrial applications. Their engineering expertise and range of manufacturing capabilities are highly regarded in the industry. With production facilities in the US and China, they can address both specialized applications with extremely demanding performance requirements and high volume commercial applications at frequencies from a few kHz to 110 GHz. As an Amphenol company since 2009, Times Microwave Systems has access to the resources of one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world. Amphenol Corporation designs, manufactures, and markets electrical, electronic and fiber-optic connectors, interconnect systems, and coaxial and specialty cable.

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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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Amphenol Times Microwave Systems


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